
The Main Presentation: "National Security Alert"

The first thing you should do upon visiting this site is watch National Security Alert, an 81 minute video presenting conclusive evidence that the plane seen flying low over Arlington on 9/11 did not in fact hit Pentagon, and was even seen flying away by multiple eyewitnesses, thus proving a "false flag" operation with unbelievably dire implications.

You can also download a free copy of the video if you'd like. That section also contains instructions on how to purchase or burn your own DVD copies, which can be given to friends, family, media figures, law enforcement, and your elected representatives.

Additional Evidence

There is much, much more evidence which we could not include in National Security Alert due to time constraints. Please follow the links below to view this evidence.

Official Interviews - Many of the north side approach witnesses presented are on record placing the plane on the same north side approach flight path during official interviews conducted only weeks after 9/11. This eliminates the notion that they are remembering inaccurately due to faded memory. In this section, you can download these official interviews.

Supplemental Videos - In the two and a half years prior to the June 2009 release of National Security Alert, we released numerous full length video presentations and video shorts. These videos contain extended versions of the interviews seen in National Security Alert, as well as interviews with additional witnesses. They also include volumes of other information supporting the undeniable conclusion that the plane did not hit the Pentagon, and proving that the "official" (government-endorsed) account of what happened in Arlington that day is a fraud on many other levels.

Research Forum - Our research forum contains lots of additional research and analysis. Although we are no longer accepting new registrations, please note that for years we did allow other researchers and concerned citizens to sign up and post, so we do not always endorse everything that is posted. However, some of the members did contribute some great research that has even occasionally made its way into our presentations.